User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 21/02/2018

Profile Information

First name Montserrat
Last name Solé Castellví
I have professional experience in:

Agritech, Biotech, Genomics, Health tech, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I did a PhD in Molecular Biology, plant biology to be precise. Then I joined the R&D department in a Agrochemical company as a project manager & researcher. Nowadays I am at a consultancy firm helping companies and public institutions to bring their products to the market.


Montserrat Solé Castellví

I have professional experience in:

Agritech, Biotech, Genomics, Health tech, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I did a PhD in Molecular Biology, plant biology to be precise. Then I joined the R&D department in a Agrochemical company as a project manager & researcher. Nowadays I am at a consultancy firm helping companies and public institutions to bring their products to the market.
