User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 04/07/2019

Profile Information

First name Miguel
Last name de Vargas Serrano
Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am Miguel de Vargas Serrano, a Spanish chemical engineer currently working at Tide Microfluidics
(Enschede, The Netherlands), a pharmaceutical startup that is developing a medical device.

As I was the first employee hired by the company, during the last three years I have seen the growth of
Tide Microfluidics, from being a startup until now when is a medium size company. I have been present in
different phases, from the seed first stages to the current situation, starting the clinical trials of the new
product. This has allowed me to gain valuable experience in R&D and business development,
understanding the step-by-step growth of this company and being directly involved in all the stages as
investment round, recruitment of new employees, product development and decision making milestones.

I have participated directly or indirectly in all the stages of the product development of a new and unique
medical product. Stages as: being involved in the first technical definitions as the Risk Management
Framework, going through laboratory work until tasks more focused on marketing and business
development such as Business Model Canvas and considerations for the market and the end-user.

The medical device we are developing has to interact with a drug formulation. Actually, I am coordinating
the different R&D engineers from the department in the process of drug formulation development
combined with medical device development, to match all the common points. I review all kind of documents of the viability of scaling up, production and market iteration with the end-users, as well as all grant applications and business models.


Miguel de Vargas Serrano

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, Medical Device, Nanotechnology, Personalised medicine, Business strategy, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am Miguel de Vargas Serrano, a Spanish chemical engineer currently working at Tide Microfluidics
(Enschede, The Netherlands), a pharmaceutical startup that is developing a medical device.

As I was the first employee hired by the company, during the last three years I have seen the growth of
Tide Microfluidics, from being a startup until now when is a medium size company. I have been present in
different phases, from the seed first stages to the current situation, starting the clinical trials of the new
product. This has allowed me to gain valuable experience in R&D and business development,
understanding the step-by-step growth of this company and being directly involved in all the stages as
investment round, recruitment of new employees, product development and decision making milestones.

I have participated directly or indirectly in all the stages of the product development of a new and unique
medical product. Stages as: being involved in the first technical definitions as the Risk Management
Framework, going through laboratory work until tasks more focused on marketing and business
development such as Business Model Canvas and considerations for the market and the end-user.

The medical device we are developing has to interact with a drug formulation. Actually, I am coordinating
the different R&D engineers from the department in the process of drug formulation development
combined with medical device development, to match all the common points. I review all kind of documents of the viability of scaling up, production and market iteration with the end-users, as well as all grant applications and business models.
