User Stats

Total reviews: 17
Level: Guru
Member Since: 11/02/2020

Profile Information

First name michael
Last name fiedler
Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am freelance medical communications professional with nearly 10 years experience in the space. My primary remit has been to conceive of and develop strategic materials and meetings (ie, NOT publications). During my time, I have supported over a dozen clients across even more therapeutic areas and have amassed a unique and deep knowledge base. Most recently, I have been heavily engaged with payers/insurers, which is an emerging and hugely impactful stakeholder within the pharmaceutical industry.

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michael fiedler

I have professional experience in:

Clinical trials, Immunology, Medicine, Neurosciences, Therapeutics, Business strategy, Market access, allergy & immunology, gastroenterology, haematology, infectious diseases, neurology, ophthalmology / optometry, paediatrics, psychiatry, respiratory medicine, antibodies, gene therapy

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am freelance medical communications professional with nearly 10 years experience in the space. My primary remit has been to conceive of and develop strategic materials and meetings (ie, NOT publications). During my time, I have supported over a dozen clients across even more therapeutic areas and have amassed a unique and deep knowledge base. Most recently, I have been heavily engaged with payers/insurers, which is an emerging and hugely impactful stakeholder within the pharmaceutical industry.


How did you hear about us?
