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Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 17/02/2021

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I am clinical oncology medical doctor with MD PhD degree and specialisation on radiation oncology, and I have more than 10 years in scientific researches with about 20 publications on the international reputable journals that have impact factor above 4. I am also an owner of a life science consultancy company and co-founder of three biotech companies since 2011, in which I have been involved in assessments of about 40 biotech projects to date to facilitate licensing and investment deals.

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Ningfeng Fiona Li

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Clinical trials, Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Medicine, Oncology, Therapeutics

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I am clinical oncology medical doctor with MD PhD degree and specialisation on radiation oncology, and I have more than 10 years in scientific researches with about 20 publications on the international reputable journals that have impact factor above 4. I am also an owner of a life science consultancy company and co-founder of three biotech companies since 2011, in which I have been involved in assessments of about 40 biotech projects to date to facilitate licensing and investment deals.

Company name

VasoDynamics Ltd


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