User Stats

Total reviews: 8
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/06/2020

Profile Information

First name Jesus
Last name Vazquez Rodriguez
I have professional experience in:

Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Regulatory

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Currently I am a regulatory officer at the European Chemicals Agency.
By training I am a medicinal chemist. My PhD and later post-doc was in the field of drug discovery and drug development using high throughput screening techniques, NMR and by in silico design.
I have also experience in business development and well versatile in project management.
More details can be found in my linkedIn page below.
I am interested in knowing how the Bioexpert Network works in practice.

How did you hear about us?

I am an investor in Capital Cell


Jesus Vazquez Rodriguez

I have professional experience in:

Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Regulatory

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Currently I am a regulatory officer at the European Chemicals Agency.
By training I am a medicinal chemist. My PhD and later post-doc was in the field of drug discovery and drug development using high throughput screening techniques, NMR and by in silico design.
I have also experience in business development and well versatile in project management.
More details can be found in my linkedIn page below.
I am interested in knowing how the Bioexpert Network works in practice.


How did you hear about us?

I am an investor in Capital Cell