User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 09/04/2021

Profile Information

First name JORGE
Last name PAGOLA
I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Digital Health, Medicine, Neurosciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m stroke neurologist and my field of expertise is embolic stroke. AFib is the main cause of embolic stroke, therefore we study patients to find AFib by cardiac monitoring.
I have some publications as principal investigator in AFib detection by diferent devices.
I’m an national and international leader in focused ultrasound to detect the source of stroke.



I have professional experience in:

Diagnostics, Digital Health, Medicine, Neurosciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’m stroke neurologist and my field of expertise is embolic stroke. AFib is the main cause of embolic stroke, therefore we study patients to find AFib by cardiac monitoring.
I have some publications as principal investigator in AFib detection by diferent devices.
I’m an national and international leader in focused ultrasound to detect the source of stroke.
