
Joaquin Gomez-Moya

I have professional experience in:

Business angel, Fundraising, Seed funding, Biotech, Diagnostics, Immunology, Medical Device, Nanotechnology, Business strategy, Startups

Help us confirm that you're an expert

C-suite exec:
COO at Newmanbrain
Former CEO at Ingeniatrics group: nanobiotechnology, drug delivery, microencapsulation, …
Former COO at Zyxogen (United States): micronebulization, medical devices, …

.- In a World Bank mission to advise a government on micro and nanotechnologies development and valuation.
.- Assessment of biomed projects for INFO, IMIB and other bodies.

Boards, investor, other roles:
.- Member of the Board and investor at Wannaseed, seed capital funding.
.- Member of the Investments Committee at Cindes Inversión y Desarrollo Empresarial, spinoffs pledge fund.
.- Member of the Permanent Advisory Committee to a number of biomed projects.
.- Investor and advisor to BHV Partners.


How did you hear about us?

Several sources: Industry trade shows, magazines, social media.