User Stats

Total reviews: 2
Level: Guru
Member Since: 14/12/2018

Profile Information

First name Immaculada
Last name Herrero
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My main contribution as Biomedical Researcher was the Experimental Renal Transplant Model. I was the first person in Spain to develop this rat model, and to perform it from then on untill 2014. In December 2007, in addition to host researchers applying for my teaching on this model, I edited the first and unique free-access web for the diffusion and self-education of the experimental renal transplantation model ( In 2013 I changed my professional life and joined the 1st Ed. of D-Health program, cofounded usMIMA in Nov2014 and created MOWoOT, the non-drug non-invasive solution to chronic constipation. As CSO at Mowoot I’m responsible for the clinical trials and customer development and metrics.

How did you hear about us?

Capital Cell


Immaculada Herrero

I have professional experience in:

Clinical trials, Drug Discovery, Immunology, Medical Device, Therapeutics, Wearables, Experimental renal transplantation., Medical devices

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My main contribution as Biomedical Researcher was the Experimental Renal Transplant Model. I was the first person in Spain to develop this rat model, and to perform it from then on untill 2014. In December 2007, in addition to host researchers applying for my teaching on this model, I edited the first and unique free-access web for the diffusion and self-education of the experimental renal transplantation model ( In 2013 I changed my professional life and joined the 1st Ed. of D-Health program, cofounded usMIMA in Nov2014 and created MOWoOT, the non-drug non-invasive solution to chronic constipation. As CSO at Mowoot I’m responsible for the clinical trials and customer development and metrics.


How did you hear about us?

Capital Cell