User Stats

Level: Guru
Member Since: 22/04/2019

Profile Information

First name Evie
Last name Maifoshie
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Currently completing my online MBA program. My previous positions were at the Pharmaceutical sector as a drug discovery scientist with specialization in immunology and stem cells cells. I have experience in cell-based assays and imaging technologies and supported drug discovery cascades from target validation, hit-to-lead selection. My PhD was in Cardiovascular science using stem cell-derived models to validate the role of a protein in cardiomyocytes and validated compounds from a medium-throughput screen.

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Evie Maifoshie

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, Genomics, Health tech, Immunology, Neurosciences, Oncology, Personalised medicine, Therapeutics, cell biology, molecular biology, regenerative medicine, molecular diagnostics, small molecules, stem cells

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Currently completing my online MBA program. My previous positions were at the Pharmaceutical sector as a drug discovery scientist with specialization in immunology and stem cells cells. I have experience in cell-based assays and imaging technologies and supported drug discovery cascades from target validation, hit-to-lead selection. My PhD was in Cardiovascular science using stem cell-derived models to validate the role of a protein in cardiomyocytes and validated compounds from a medium-throughput screen.


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