User Stats

Total reviews: 18
Level: Guru
Member Since: 04/06/2018

Profile Information

First name Daniel
Last name Cravo
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I’ve been working for pharmaceutical companies for 16 years where I discovered, developped and pushed up to clinical trials 2 promising antidiabetic drugs. Now, after a MBA, I want to build my own company whose mission is to discover the next antidiabetic drug that revolutionizes the treatment of type diabetes.


Daniel Cravo

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Clinical trials, Drug Delivery, Drug Discovery, chemical engineering, other

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’ve been working for pharmaceutical companies for 16 years where I discovered, developped and pushed up to clinical trials 2 promising antidiabetic drugs. Now, after a MBA, I want to build my own company whose mission is to discover the next antidiabetic drug that revolutionizes the treatment of type diabetes.
