User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 30/04/2019

Profile Information

First name Christopher
Last name Meoli
I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Health tech, Medical Device, Medicine, Neurosciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Studied an undergraduate degree In animal and veterinary biological sciences and obtained first class honors. Majored in Genetics and neuroscience
I have spent 7 years in medical research and have multiple peer-reviewed publications in life science (specifically type 2 diabetes).
I spent 3-4 years working at Ernst & Young and at PwC in a professional consulting manner
I now lead the Research Commercialisation Function at The iQ Group Global, which is a life science and biotechnology asset management and investment organisation.

How did you hear about us?



Christopher Meoli

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Health tech, Medical Device, Medicine, Neurosciences

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Studied an undergraduate degree In animal and veterinary biological sciences and obtained first class honors. Majored in Genetics and neuroscience
I have spent 7 years in medical research and have multiple peer-reviewed publications in life science (specifically type 2 diabetes).
I spent 3-4 years working at Ernst & Young and at PwC in a professional consulting manner
I now lead the Research Commercialisation Function at The iQ Group Global, which is a life science and biotechnology asset management and investment organisation.


How did you hear about us?
