User Stats

Total reviews: 4
Level: Guru
Member Since: 20/01/2022

Profile Information

First name Daniel
Last name Calleja Martínez
I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Food tech, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’ve been always working in innovation, for pharma, biotech and foodtech companies (including startups). I’ve been doing both operational (excellence, feasibility studies, CAPEX, change management, technical business development) and technical (process design, tech transfer, CRO projects management, etc). Currently I am freelance consultant for biotech startups


Daniel Calleja

I have professional experience in:

Biotech, Food tech, Startups, Technology transfer

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I’ve been always working in innovation, for pharma, biotech and foodtech companies (including startups). I’ve been doing both operational (excellence, feasibility studies, CAPEX, change management, technical business development) and technical (process design, tech transfer, CRO projects management, etc). Currently I am freelance consultant for biotech startups
