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Total reviews: 2
Level: Guru
Member Since: 25/03/2019

Profile Information

First name Christophe
Last name Lemetre
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I am currently a bioinformatics Scientist for a start up company in New York city, focused on ER stress pathways in Cancer and other diseases. I graduated with a PhD in bioinformatics in 2010 in Nottingham, UK. Since then I came to the US where a did a first postdoc in a computational biology lab at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and then a postdoc at Memorial Sloan Kettering working with pathologists.
I later joined the sequencing facility of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as a bioinformatics engineer. After a couple of years I then joined a lab at the Rockefeller University working in bacterial metagenomics in soil and in human hosts where I spent 3 years.
In my current role I am for now focused on mining publicly available datasets for a few genomic events that are characteristics of the pathways the company is looking into to target. I develop approaches to answer questions addressed by in-silico solutions.

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Christophe Lemetre

I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Genomics, Metagenomics, Bacterial genomics, Cancer genomics

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I am currently a bioinformatics Scientist for a start up company in New York city, focused on ER stress pathways in Cancer and other diseases. I graduated with a PhD in bioinformatics in 2010 in Nottingham, UK. Since then I came to the US where a did a first postdoc in a computational biology lab at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and then a postdoc at Memorial Sloan Kettering working with pathologists.
I later joined the sequencing facility of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as a bioinformatics engineer. After a couple of years I then joined a lab at the Rockefeller University working in bacterial metagenomics in soil and in human hosts where I spent 3 years.
In my current role I am for now focused on mining publicly available datasets for a few genomic events that are characteristics of the pathways the company is looking into to target. I develop approaches to answer questions addressed by in-silico solutions.


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connections in Linkedin that listed the network as a position