User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 29/04/2020

Profile Information

First name Claudia
Last name Ben Dov
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Seasoned Senior MedTech professional with over 12 years of expertise in shaping the landscapes of IVD, SaMD, and Medical Devices companies, from the inception of startups to the global stage of renowned corporations, consistently translating market dynamics and emerging innovations into strategic research agendas, resulting in developing cutting-edge solutions while assuring regulatory compliance that drives commercial success.

I embrace challenges with a spirit of innovation, to transcend boundaries, fostering an agile and collaborative culture that consistently delivers timely, patient-centric solutions.

How did you hear about us?

I am following Daniel Oliver in linkedin


Claudia Ben Dov

Last Name


I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Diagnostics, Digital Health, Genomics, Medical Device, Business strategy, Regulatory, Startups, Technology transfer, molecular diagnostics, diagnostic devices

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Seasoned Senior MedTech professional with over 12 years of expertise in shaping the landscapes of IVD, SaMD, and Medical Devices companies, from the inception of startups to the global stage of renowned corporations, consistently translating market dynamics and emerging innovations into strategic research agendas, resulting in developing cutting-edge solutions while assuring regulatory compliance that drives commercial success.

I embrace challenges with a spirit of innovation, to transcend boundaries, fostering an agile and collaborative culture that consistently delivers timely, patient-centric solutions.


How did you hear about us?

I am following Daniel Oliver in linkedin