User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 29/05/2022

Profile Information

First name Carmen
Last name Palomino
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I am PhD in Molecular Biology in the field of Biotechnology and Microbiology. I have been the former CTO of a Biotech in Madrid, where I was focused on non diluted fundraising and establishing contact with tech and private partners. After conducting my second postdoc as a Marie Cuire fellow at the ETH, I started supporting tech companies in obtaining non diluted funding from the EU programmes (Horizon2020 & Horixon Europe). I have assisted more than 40 innovative business model and obtained 20.2 M euros funds for 19 European companies.
I have complemented my professional skills with financial knowledge, preparing myself as 2019 CFA level 1 candidate and engaging to the executive course on VC, at the business school (2021). Since 2021, I am the founder and CEO of Zirka InnoTech.

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Carmen Palomino

I have professional experience in:

Funding sources, Fundraising, Venture capital, Biotech, Cancer therapeutics, Diagnostics, Drug Discovery, Health tech, Medical Device, Business strategy, Startups, Technology transfer, IP & Licensing

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am PhD in Molecular Biology in the field of Biotechnology and Microbiology. I have been the former CTO of a Biotech in Madrid, where I was focused on non diluted fundraising and establishing contact with tech and private partners. After conducting my second postdoc as a Marie Cuire fellow at the ETH, I started supporting tech companies in obtaining non diluted funding from the EU programmes (Horizon2020 & Horixon Europe). I have assisted more than 40 innovative business model and obtained 20.2 M euros funds for 19 European companies.
I have complemented my professional skills with financial knowledge, preparing myself as 2019 CFA level 1 candidate and engaging to the executive course on VC, at the business school (2021). Since 2021, I am the founder and CEO of Zirka InnoTech.


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