User Stats

Total reviews: 3
Level: Guru
Member Since: 12/01/2019

Profile Information

First name Anthony
Last name Llewellyn
I have professional experience in:

Digital Health, Health tech, Medicine, Medical Education

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Medical Coach and Educator. My passion is helping colleagues with career transitions and tackling the often times appalling state of management practiced by doctors in Medicine.
I believe if we all become better people managers we can change the culture of Medicine for the greater good.
I’m involved and have done lots of other interesting and innovative stuff. Let me know if you see an opportunity to collaborate.

Some of my achievements:
Co-Founder of AdvanceMed and owner of Career Doctor Channel on YouTube.
Mission: to Help Doctors Manage Their Medical Careers

Advisor to MedApps Startup

2012-2016 whilst Exec Medical Director of HETI Ied a major reform of the NSW Health medical training process whilst successfully managing budgets of excess of $14million.

I have a keen interest in technology and marketing and am Chief Technical Officer and was founder of the highly popular project a website and phone applications designed to assist medical practitioners in their earliest days of postgraduate practice.

Recently written a best practice recruitment guide for medical trainees for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

I was born on Mouheneenner land in Hobart, Tasmania and pay respect to the traditional owners of lands I live and work on and elders past and present. My two most important roles in life are proud husband and proud father of two boys.

Top Five Strengths (Strengths Finder)
Strategic, Individualization, Relator, Responsibility, Ideation
Major Role: Assessor-Developer
Related Role: Thruster-Organiser, Explorer-Promoter
Myers-Briggs: ENTJ
DiSC: Di

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Anthony Llewellyn

I have professional experience in:

Digital Health, Health tech, Medicine, Medical Education

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Medical Coach and Educator. My passion is helping colleagues with career transitions and tackling the often times appalling state of management practiced by doctors in Medicine.
I believe if we all become better people managers we can change the culture of Medicine for the greater good.
I’m involved and have done lots of other interesting and innovative stuff. Let me know if you see an opportunity to collaborate.

Some of my achievements:
Co-Founder of AdvanceMed and owner of Career Doctor Channel on YouTube.
Mission: to Help Doctors Manage Their Medical Careers

Advisor to MedApps Startup

2012-2016 whilst Exec Medical Director of HETI Ied a major reform of the NSW Health medical training process whilst successfully managing budgets of excess of $14million.

I have a keen interest in technology and marketing and am Chief Technical Officer and was founder of the highly popular project a website and phone applications designed to assist medical practitioners in their earliest days of postgraduate practice.

Recently written a best practice recruitment guide for medical trainees for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

I was born on Mouheneenner land in Hobart, Tasmania and pay respect to the traditional owners of lands I live and work on and elders past and present. My two most important roles in life are proud husband and proud father of two boys.

Top Five Strengths (Strengths Finder)
Strategic, Individualization, Relator, Responsibility, Ideation
Major Role: Assessor-Developer
Related Role: Thruster-Organiser, Explorer-Promoter
Myers-Briggs: ENTJ
DiSC: Di


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