User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 10/11/2019

Profile Information

First name Beatriz
Last name Morancho
I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Immunology, Oncology, Personalised medicine

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Senior biomedical researcher with broad expertise in breast cancer focused in translational and preclinical research, currently focused in immunomodulatory therapies. Highly results-focused, effective and organized professional with extensive experience in analysis, writing and communication of scientific data, in addition to management of scientific projects and teams. Author of 17 publications in international peer-reviewed journals including 5 first-author articles.


Beatriz Morancho

I have professional experience in:

Cancer therapeutics, Immunology, Oncology, Personalised medicine

Help us confirm that you're an expert

Senior biomedical researcher with broad expertise in breast cancer focused in translational and preclinical research, currently focused in immunomodulatory therapies. Highly results-focused, effective and organized professional with extensive experience in analysis, writing and communication of scientific data, in addition to management of scientific projects and teams. Author of 17 publications in international peer-reviewed journals including 5 first-author articles.
