User Stats

Total reviews: 1
Level: Guru
Member Since: 01/07/2021

Profile Information

First name Andrej
Last name Ondracka
I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Biotech, Genomics, Personalised medicine

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I am a computational biologist and (biological data scientist). After a PhD at Rockefeller University in cell biology and molecular genetics, I did a postdoc (as a Marie Curie fellow) at the Popmeu Fabra University (Institute for Evolutionary Biology) in genomics, cell biology and bioinformatics. After my academic career, I joined Aizon, a pharma software startup, as a machine learning researcher, where my work focused on developing machine learning and other computational tools for the biopharma manufacturing. Currently, I am a lead data scientist / bioinformatician at Centaura, a biotech startup developing new therapies for aging.

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Andrej Ondracka

I have professional experience in:

Bioinformatics, Biotech, Genomics, Personalised medicine

Help us confirm that you're an expert

I am a computational biologist and (biological data scientist). After a PhD at Rockefeller University in cell biology and molecular genetics, I did a postdoc (as a Marie Curie fellow) at the Popmeu Fabra University (Institute for Evolutionary Biology) in genomics, cell biology and bioinformatics. After my academic career, I joined Aizon, a pharma software startup, as a machine learning researcher, where my work focused on developing machine learning and other computational tools for the biopharma manufacturing. Currently, I am a lead data scientist / bioinformatician at Centaura, a biotech startup developing new therapies for aging.


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